Terms & Conditions

Fees are to be paid in advance on the 1st of every month: fees are payable by Direct Debit or by Tax Free Childcare (TFC)/Childcare Vouchers. Fees are payable throughout the year for your child’s reserved place.

Admission: – A non-refundable registration fee will secure your child’s place When your child attends their settling in visit, they will receive a Nursery Welcome Pack which includes a returnable door entry key fob (not applicable to Grant Funded only children).  Your booking is not secured until you receive written confirmation.  If you have entered an estimated start date on your application form, we would be grateful if you would confirm your actual start date no less than 6 weeks in advance or a charge will be incurred if start date delayed without required notice

Hours: – It is a statutory requirement that staff/child ratios are always adhered to, therefore we appreciate parent’s co-operation regarding hours.  If you require longer hours than initially reserved on admission, please discuss this with your Nursery manager.  Please note that late collection charges may be applied if your child is collected after the end of their session.

Booked days may not be exchanged, except in special circumstances which are agreed.

Extra Sessions: – Where additional sessions are taken these will be billed at the current rates irrespective of any discount in place which only applies to the regular booking pattern.

Bank Holidays: – The nursery is open all year round, except for Bank Holidays and the week between Christmas and New Year.  Bank Holidays will be charged at your normal rate (there will be no charge for one calendar week over the Christmas shutdown period).

Holidays: – All holidays taken remain payable under the current booking pattern, and no reduction is given during this period.

Illness: – In the case of prolonged illness, please speak to your nursery manager, who will discuss the options available to you.

Term-time only rate: – This rate is available for term-time only contracts (for children attending three days or more) please speak to your nursery manager for an information leaflet.

Sibling discounts: – Two children each attending a minimum of 3 full days will receive a 5% reduction on the elder child’s net fees.  This offer may not be used with any other discounts. 

First month’s fees: – You will be required to pay your first month’s fees in full whilst attending your settling in visit.

Fees Paid by Direct Debit: – Direct Debits will be collected on the 1st of every month.  If the 1st is not a working day, then they will be collected on the nearest working day after the 1st. If a Direct Debit fails, the outstanding fees will need to be paid by an alternative method within 2 working days.  A £25.00 surcharge will be applied for failed Direct Debit payments (due to bank charges).

Fees Paid By Electronic Vouchers/TFC: – It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that when paying online that their vouchers are released and the funds reach Maggie’s Nursery by the 1st of the month, a £15.00 surcharge will be applied if payment is not received on the 1st, and alternative method of payment is required Please ensure that your child’s name and the nursery they attend is included on the voucher for accurate identification

Fees Paid by Alternative Means: – Where payment is not made in full by direct debit or TFC/childcare vouchers (or a combination of these two methods) you will incur a monthly administration fee of £5.00 per child.

Late Payments: – All fees are payable in advance on the 1st of every month. A 10% surcharge on the remaining balance of your account will be payable on amounts outstanding after the 7th of every month.

Changing method of payment: – We will require 6 weeks’ notice in writing should you wish to change your method of payment.

Occasionally parents may experience some difficulties paying their fees if this should happen, please speak to your Nursery Manager who will help to find a method to resolve the situation.

Reduction in bookings: – A minimum of one month’s notice, in writing, is required for reductions in bookings.

Terminating the booking/placement: – Six weeks-notice, in writing, is required to terminate the booking / placement of your child. If you do not provide appropriate notice, you will still be required to pay one month’s fees.    

Facebook and Social Media: – We respectfully request that parents/carers do not make friend requests or personal contact with Nursery staff on any social media platform for reasons of confidentiality and privacy.

Maggie’s Facebook page is available for all parents/carers to follow.

OAKCO Limited
DE21 4TJ

Tel: 01332 830473